Christmas 2006

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Photo Shoot Fun
Some of Zoe's Favorite Gifts
"So you're saying that if I ring this, an angel gets its wings??"

A Motley Crew of Mom's Minions

Nuclear Family Foto

Father Robinson & Sister Flora share the celebration




Honi? Michelle's gonna' shave you for wreckin' her tree!

Deck the halls with fur-lined folly, fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-laaa!

Martha Stewart would be proud

The Wong Women

"...and the wicked, evil, nasty Aunt 'Ouisa...."

Cool Christmas Canines captivate the camera

Aunt Barbara has a tender moment with Barney

Grandpa Carlos would be ever so proud!

Zoom Zoom!

Who's tickling Zoe??

Schroeder, eat your heart out!

Opa never lets Zoe out of his sights....

So, this Santa guy, he stops at every house around the world?


That's a sturdy box!


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