Zoe Lorraine - Months 5 and 6
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Do I have oatmeal on my nose?
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old


This baby even smiles in her sleep....
Dec. 2005 - 4 mtnhs. old

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Isn't she pretty in pink....
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old

Mommy introduces Zoe to a new entity - SNOW!!
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old

26" snow angel in 20" of snow!!
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old

Dad takes a break from plowing out the neighborhood....
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old

Dec. 2005 - 4 mtnhs. old

Reading her favorite catalog - Harbor Freight.
Jan. 2006 - 5 mnths. old

Zoe meets her new twin "cousins" - Maya & Nikita!
Jan. 2006 - Maya (1mnth), Zoe (5 mnths), Niki (1 mnth)

Zoe's always got a big smile for Uncle Franz!
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old
Nothin' like a nice relaxing car ride....
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old
Zoe's fun afternoon with Opa!
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old
Overalls and no onesie - - How rural!
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old
Guess who got her very first library card today!!
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old

'Thello and Zoe chillin' out in Daddy & Mommy's room.
Feb. 2006 - Zoe (6 mnths) & Othello (7 yrs)

Silly Hat Day with Grandma!
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old

Zoe in her Favorite Puppy Sweater!
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old
Abominable Snow Buddies??
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old

Zoe dons her "little black dress" bib for bananas & oatmeal.
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old


Grandma time is always all smiles!!
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old

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Big girl drinkin' from her first sippy cup!
Feb. 2006 - 6 mnths. old

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